They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

This hurts a lot more than it should.

You’re right, she totally killed Vince Foster and intentionally left Chris Stevens to die.

My god, how did you make it that far?

I’ll sign that petition.

You know what, I misunderstood what you were saying and I think you’re a little bit wrong. She has slightly more baggage than he does, but just the emails are legitimate. He spent a career in the Senate protecting banking corporations, he sold out Anita Hill, he voted for all the things that Hillary gets his for

I think it’s easy to think the grass is greener on the other side, and there’s a particular desire for this election season to be different—so I get it! But Uncle Joe is not the savior we’ve been waiting for.

I don’t think it’s sexist, I think it’s woefully ignorant of Biden’s political history.

You know that Joe Biden is as equally full of shit as everyone else in politics, right? His straight-talking, plain folks thing is such a fucking laugh.

I’m familiar with this story, and I would say that not a single officer took her story seriously at all—that’s why they investigated Marie as a liar from the beginning.

Was listening to the Obama Bros podcast (Keeping it 1600, it’s awesome) and the Daily Beast’s Olivia Nuzzi made what I think is a pretty good distinction: every rape claim should be taken seriously, which is not the same as being believed.

I don’t know California law, but it’s typically violence committed against someone because they are a specific gender. Basically hate crimes for gender; generally male-on-female (because of power dynamics, etc etc) but not always.

The open wound was not the first thing that drew my eye in this picture.

Literally. Like maybe he’s frying up some tofu and wanders away from the stove or something, but he’s kind of moving into that doddering phase of life and it wouldn’t surprise me.

I’m not totally sure I would disagree with assessment of SGK. Actually sad.

Come on. He ruined himself with her.

Because the political world treats women—especially women of color—so well, and everyone wants her to experience the warm embrace of the right-wing media?

I actually do believe that Bill Clinton will get back in the White House and set the roof on fire.

Being a unconventional nominee in a slightly less polarized time worked so well for Harriet Miers, too.

Learned this weekend that actual people I know and used to like genuinely believe that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster, their old White House chef, and the DNC staffer killed over the summer. And they’re lefties! This fucking election.
