They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Hmmm. A run’s a run.

Do it again, Chris. Do it again!

It’s likely just for warm-ups, which is what teams tend to do. I think even patches have to be approved by the league.


If I were to nitpick, I would point out that that’s an. . . unusual transliteration of спасибо.

Why are you being such a dick about this? She just wants to shut down using dual nationals until she can figure out what’s going on.

We put innocent people in camps during WW2. Plenty of shit for the Greatest Generation to find objectionable about the American flag.*

1) Rating the likability of someone running for office vs. someone not running is a fool’s errand. It’s the same thing that happened with Bernie in the primary: people like you more when you aren’t undergoing sustained, personal attacks that highlight your worst features.

I heard Adichie speak at a small event about 18 months ago. You know that fear that an author your love with let you down in person?

Reading a pretty wide range of reviews has left me with the impression that prominent white movie critics want to talk about how it’s An Important Film, while a fair number of Black critics and writers argue that, essentially, it’s not worth defending. Maybe I’m wrong! I don’t know.

And not for nothing, but I bet there are plenty of veterans of the Obama White House who would have had things to say (anonymously, of course) about his tendency to claim credit for everything Obama does had he been a real contender.*

“Likable” is a bullshit measure, but I bet you know that already. A lot of his quirky mannerisms that have been forgiven would be a lot less endearing if he were ever a serious candidate. He’s slightly better at making liberal public statements, and slightly worse at backing them up.

Controversy aside, it seems like. . .maybe it wasn’t that good of a movie? I’ve been reading “struggled” a lot when it comes to BoaN, and not just with box office returns.

Okay. I just strongly disagree that she’s awful, and I think she is pretty much the embodiment of politics as usual awful. She might be a step backwards from Obama, but there aren’t many people who wouldn’t be.

You think Joe Biden—the former Senator from Visa, abandoner of Anita Hill, pro-Crime Bill, pro-Welfare Reform, pro-Iraq War Joe Biden—is the savior liberal Democrats were looking for?

Genuine question: which prominent, active Republican is better than Hillary Clinton? Not “could beat her”—but which one do you think has better policies, temperament, qualifications?

That’s Jabhat Fateh al-Sham to you.

Jamelle Bouie is a goddamn treasure.

I agree with all of this, but you know that he didn’t run against John Kerry, right? He should have condemned it anyway, but uh. . . he was (“just”) a Senator then.

I know it really fucking doesn’t matter, but none of the four who died in Benghazi were soldiers. None of them were active duty, and none of them were ever in the Army, and Chris Stevens never served in the military! Christ.