They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

They got out-Mumford by the mock-Mumford.

It would be odd for Lyanna to talk about Rickard Stark in the present tense, since he’d been dead for almost a year by the time the Tower of Joy happened.

I know where the allegiances will lay.

ABBA was a neo-Nazi front.

You get it.

Look, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. But Jon Snow is confidant that once they get to Winterfell, they’ll be greeted in the streets as liberators, they’ll win hearts and minds, and regime change will go smoothly. It’ll all be over by Christmas.

I’m ambivalent about Bigelow, but K’Naan is an incredibly artist. He wrote this column in 2012, and I hope this helps his graceless limp toward beauty.

That isn’t even an angle I’d thought of. Thank you.

My concern is about supply and demand. Airbnb is huge, and this isn’t going to be for a while. Do I risk taking a room on Noirbnb from a POC who may not be able to use Airbnb?

Boy, that’s mesmerizing.

SCOTUS agrees that he does not lose his rights at the school house door

I promise you it wasn’t that serious a comment.

Presumably the age-induced dementia will have set in by then.

What if we just ascribed those comments to the fact that he’s old?

(Lin is obviously a musical genius etc etc etc, but in terms of technical ability, he is the weak link in the cast.)

Not to be super shallow, but she looks sharp in UVA colors—and I didn’t see anything on her social media accounts drawing attention to the fact that she’s wearing orange today. She just did it, and I think that’s a nice touch.

Literally the entire reason TSA exists is because of a gigantic, devastating, clusterfuck of a failure by the private sector, so. . .

Do these people really want a hero who is willing to kill another hero over what is essentially an ideological difference?

I’m fairly certain that the way the Italian government treats the Roma violates the European Convention on Human Rights.

Wait but are you saying that the Hutus and Tutsis weren’t touched by Western colonization?