They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Of course they do. Do you not agree that those are risk factors that contribute someone’s marginalization and exploitation under almost any circumstances, not just the sex trade?

Everyone wants to yell at me about punishing women, but I think if you actually read what I wrote, I never said I was in favor of (continuing) the criminalization of sex trade.

I don’t think it should be criminalized either!!!!!

Your argument is bad and dumb.

Okay. I’m opposed to paying for sexual services because I think it harms the most vulnerable of women, and that legalizing it doesn’t do anything to address that

Do you really think a job in mining or agriculture is comparable to the sex trade? Like, in your heart of hearts, do you believe those to be the same?

Cool story.

Not at all and I resent the hell out of that implication. You’re the one who started throwing around the flowery “but that’s not the world we live in,” and I was simply pointing out that the the world we do live in criminalizes this behavior as you clearly know.

Okay, but this is the world we live in. Lots of professions are illegal.

Wait, but prostitution isn’t legal? (Yada yada yada some exceptions apply.) Which is what this whole fight is about! And plenty of people do whatever they have to do to get by and society draws harsh, arbitrary, puritanical lines on what’s acceptable that goes way beyond sex—last time I checked, I couldn’t sell either

What. HOW. Rafael is such a good dad and he’s so handsome and damaged. Michael is smarmy and controlling.

Well, but there’s consenting to something because you want to have sex with people for money (and if you do, great! You do you!) and consenting to something because you’re poor, or uneducated, or feeding an addition, or whatever and it’s the only prospect you have for making money. Is that actually consent and is that

Michael’s a putz. Rafael for everything.

She also—and I’d wager it’s a habit she formed as Bruce—does that thing where she asks a question and then when someone (a woman) tries to answer, she just yells over her about how she’s wrong.

Isn’t a gif with sound just a vine?

Just because she personally wrecked Detroit singlehandedly.

I don’t understand this “I’m pretty sure he’s guilty.” Motherfucker is a convicted, confessed child rapist. The way people are falling over themselves to mitigate his crime when compared to Cosby’s is pretty nightmarish.

says he had promised her 5 million dollars tax free

For someone so revered by internet liberals, she’s a pretty fucking horrible liberal.

It was probably Iran-Contra.