They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Sarah’s first mistake is not having better health insurance as a 1%er.

Her husband isn’t an actor, he’s a Russian hockey player!

“I feel sad, because I think he would have loved the girl more who was there before this happened. And I feel guilty about that.”

I agree! I mean, it also makes me a little sad for her because it must be such an insane adjustment to make and it can’t be easy. I’m not judging her, though! God knows I would be far less composed if I were in her shoes.

She looks sooooooooooooooooo uncomfortable like with stardom in general.

Yeah, never again. I felt almost unrelenting despair watching it, which is fair, given that I feel the same way when I think about the wars in Sierra Leone and Liberia during the ‘90s.

I hadn’t realized that Attah was presenting tonight. I found his performance agonizing, and his and Elba’s snubs to be the biggest.

But what is Deadspin for if not pedantry?!

This wasn’t done just out of the goodness of the captain’s heart. US Code requires it:

It’s hard to judge the backlash of Patricia’s speech when I’ve found her entire acting career, including Boyhood, to be fairly unimpressive. I’m just. . . not sure she’s actually very good.

But one of them did, right? Drae Bowles did everything right, he did everything that a person should do for his friend. And in exchange, they attacked him, they ostracized him, and then they forced out their victim’s only support on the team.

When John Tyler was president, there were two vacancies that each lasted more than two years. He had four nominees rejected—one guy was nominated twice and rejected both times. He eventually was able to fill one seat, but the second one remained empty until Polk was elected.

But in opposition to what the Joint Chiefs wanted. The fight over gays in the military was so fucked up in terms of traditional political fault lines; Sam Nunn fighting against the Democratic President, Barney Frank and Barry Goldwater on the same side, DoD and the Joint Chiefs opposing each other.

Nobody would expect any of the GOP candidates to have expressed different positions privately or publicly as it relates to banks. We know they would each fellate industry executives while cutting their taxes and relaxing any potential oversight.

Wait, do you think she gets paid $600,000 for each speech? Because that’s not accurate, and it’s disingenuous to imply that that’s the case. Her rates are no higher than anyone else with her level of experience (roughly $200,000 per speech). She just tends to give more speeches.

Well, the ending of THAT clip isn't suspiciously edited at all!

I’m not the one throwing a temper tantrum over the idea that the establishment might win, but sure, believe it’s my first election. Enjoy your George McGovern while he lasts.

Or it’s a sign that more people want Hillary than want Bernie, but I dunno, democracy. It’s crazy.

“If my candidate doesn’t win, I’m voting for a bigot on the other side just to spite the party I don’t really belong to anyway.”