They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I know that rationally getting yourself paid is not something worthy of scorn, but seriously, fuck Renner.

Most states consider 911 tapes public records, and they’re pretty routinely released.

Svrluga’s the best, even though he needs to buy some vowels.

The cameras that aren’t there?

Hey, it’s not all bad. At least Tom Brady isn’t pushing his sketchy body on people, which is just not something that can be said of everyone in his league.

Astro is everything, plus a heart attack. Oh yes.

Everything I know about Maryland athletics:

I like the pacing, the snap to Sorkin’s dialogue. But I get so fucking tired of the contempt. And when he’s writing his conscience rather than non-fiction characters, I usually hate what he has them say.

I’m almost on board with this, except pumpkin is disgusting.

Thank you, baseball gods, for yea, though you punished me with playoff elimination for the Nationals, you hath soothed my wounds and blighted mine enemies.

Everything about this story is just really fucking sad.

you’re married to a dude named Henrik Lundqvist, right?

For God’s sake, it’s not like they were doing the wave or anything!

You sure about that last one?

But he broke up with President Obama and that was super important. Everything he says is important. He is important.

Strongly, strongly disagree. I thought the premise was good and the science solid, but the writing was incredibly weak. All of his characters have the same voice and no depth. I couldn’t tell you a single thing about Mark Watney that distinguishes him from any generic astronaut character except the botany thing, which

Please tell us more. Just one Werth story to cap this nightmare of a season.


Hey, she didn’t claim 9/11 was an inside job this time or that the moon walk was faked, so at least she’s making progress.