They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

But he swears he loves us!

Have you read this?

So you’re saying that hockey players aren’t naturally just a better breed of human than other athletes?

I think that’s a really interesting point. I also think that Lampard and the other people quoted in this piece frame the scenario entirely as being inappropriate because Americans were grieving and the whole world was/should have been grieving with them.

You misunderstood.

Oh, Canada, I can only disagree with you during the Winter Olympics. Nobody has ever loved America the way Canada did on 9/11.

I don’t know who the “we” is in this statement! It could really go either way!

That’s a story that totally makes sense to you?

close enough to the WTC my boss had blood on his windows

It was the wrong decision, a stupid thing to do on the day after so many people had lost their lives in America.

Richard Gere was on “Fresh Air” today, and he told a story about how they went to film a test shoot in the city, and he was so anxious about it. He was worried that he’d get out on the street and people would recognize him, and they wouldn’t be able to film without interruption. But, of course, it turned out that when

I know single-millionaires who have spent twice that without batting en eye. The wedding industrial complex is out of control.

I don’t disagree.

Wait. What?

I’m not going to stick up for the government, because what they’ve done is indefensible to everyone but racists and xenophobes, but there have been many, many Hungarian civilians going out day after day for months to provide some level of comfort to the refugees. But it’s literally just random people connecting

Fifty years ago, too. And ten years ago, when the swarm of migrants was Hungarian, and Czech, and Polish. God help us all.

The way that little boy screams as his father runs. Nightmarish.

66% of season ticket holders and 100% of players live in Virginia. And not the gritty parts of Virginia. The “I went to high school so I know what street is (but that high school was majority white and all my friends drive a a custom-built F150” parts of Virginia. But thanks for playing.

What’s the muder rate in fucking suburban Virginia? Washington fans would be like fish in a barrel.

I really can’t decide how I feel about it. @RegressedPDO made several excellent points on Twitter today; a trial against a celebrity is an enormous strain on an accuser. At least in a settlement, she knows she’ll win something, even if it’s just a check. Small solace for rape, but I can see how a semblance of justice