They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I was reading what I thought was a Deadspin article about this and I kept thinking, "Holy shit, these commenters have really gone off the rails against Driscoll."

New Englanders are the absolute worst when it comes to the Revolutionary War sports everything.


I just keep reading this as "ass-baked goods."

Nah, I'm sorry—I didn't mean to pile on. I hadn't scrolled far enough to see that my comment was repetitive. Should have known better.

So why haven't you? It's a consumer-driven industry.

Sorry, I was just trying to express my skepticism of the OP's story.


Komen is ostensibly about finding a cure by funding research, providing care and resources to breast cancer patients, and advocating for resources. ACT UP and similar organizations were/are involved in advocating for new drugs and treatment protocols, in addition to the nebulous "awareness raising."

Under the Third Geneva Convention, prisoners of war (POW) must be:

I really enjoy watching him ski, but Jesus is he a shitty human.

The only way I could possibly decide if this is true would be to cuddle with both.

But how are there SO MANY terrible people? Like, even for Gawker Media, this group seems excessive.

One of my cats just spent the last six minutes going to town on a straw.

How did Martha Stewart get a baby Ewok, and how do I get one?

For a second, I thought NASA was being a dick to Harper.

Former players literally shooting themselves in the heart because of CTE, but by all means, there should be an investigation into fucking crowd noise.

That is an extremely surprising list of states being reasonable.

Good god, it's only on season 4? I mainlined the series maybe a year ago, and it felt like I'd watched about ten or twelve seasons before I got bored by stupid Mike and arrogant Harvey and what's her face giving aforementioned stupid Mike a second chance while she hyperventilated over law school. The bar? I can't

I think football is a terrible sport that kills people. I think the NFL is a terrible league that allows other people to watch those people get killed. This article, basically. Or this one. Or this.