They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

World of difference between this and that. Getting known because you put an under qualified hot lady on your team isn't spitting distance to a child abuser.

Duvet or nothing.

Goddammit, Canadians really incredibly nice.

Probably just transfers, right? Because football scholarships aren't guaranteed?

It's actually shocking how inexpensive it is to do something that makes someone else's life better—even RADICALLY better.

It's hilarious how well the knuckle-draggers make your point.

Save the cheerleader, save Ukraine.

I think I want to be you.

(I loved Tony Williams.)

Well, shit.

Guam's going to be super pissed.

I don't understand how this wasn't rape.

Hey, if you're the Capitals, you have at least one guy on the team that sucks at the game AND sucks at fighting.

This postseason has me all sorts of nostalgic over the early Nats. Goddamn they were terrible and perfect.

No baseball is the sufferingest of all sufferings, as I'm sure Montreal would tell you.

Reporter: Jordan, what are you going to buy Steven Souza, Jr for that catch?

Did your parents also teach you to respect appropriate capitalization, spacing, or comma usage? Because you were clearly raised right.

(Please note, this is absolutely not the time to bring up your so-called "Jew fro." The issues that black people face regarding our hair are not the same as anyone else's and please stop trying to convince yourself that they are.)

Sloppy sentence construction + the death of the Oxford comma. We're doomed.

Wish you would share with the class.