They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I guess by "Hispanic," I mean someone who has/appears mostly"Indigenous" and perhaps European. Make sense?

Like attracts like.

I tried to do this the last time in Europe, and everyone was like, "Why the fuck are you talking to me?"

Yup. Thought Deadspin had declared rape joke not acceptable. Sad to see that even 7

Cool joke, brah.

Just gonna leave this one here, via wiki:

It's mean to promise something like that and then not follow through.

I know it's hard when you say a ridiculous and dumb thing on the internet and then people call you on being ridiculous and dumb. I'm sure you can get through it.

And in many European countries, .04 by itself is grounds for arrest. And in parts of the Middle East, alcohol is banned entirely. I like this game. Which other useless comparisons can we come up with next?

Never mind, not accurate.

The arrest affidavit says he was born in Canada but that he's a U.S. citizen. It also says that his hair color is BRO and length is SHT, which, you know, accurate.

Oh, I know. It was just amusing to me that she's famous for being a twin and didn't list Tia.

"My father is very proud of me, my mother is very proud of me, and also interracial couples are very proud of me,"

John Tortorella charged an opposing team's locker room. Your point is invalidated by a single anecdote.

You are so, so full of shit.

Isn't the point of a 5150 that he doesn't have to be receptive toward it?

Guys, remember that time Crash won Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain and everyone was like, this is outrageous! Racism isn't really a think in Hollywood anymore!

That is really fucking adorable.

DC's Verizon Center was transformative for that part of town. And not "sort of" or "is making progress." That part of the city is literally unrecognizable from what it used to be.