
“I’m frankly more concerned about the behavioral sartorial choices of this guy:”

I long for the days when Sooper Secret Societies kept themselves demure and quiet and lent a bit of mystery to things.

If they disappear her, she’ll end up on Lifetime, so that’s two networks conquered.

24 hours doesn’t seem like an alarmingly long time to stay inside. My neighbors would be calling the police on me during every Law & Order marathon

And Dogma, can’t forget Dogma. He and Matt Damon make that movie.

pretty good skater who became a pretty good actor ditched scientology

As a fat person, I would really like to see decent basics. A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs. Jeans that aren’t jeggins- or “mom jeans”. Tee shirts and cardigans that aren’t priced 3 times as much as the skinny version (ahem-Old Navy) Just plain, well tailored clothes. Jesus, is

I chafe (har har) a bit at the idea that all women must always be dressing to make themselves appear slimmer all the time, and above all else, and that that goes without saying. I’m not plus-size, so I don’t want to speak for them, but I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a woman of any size without some body

This is a weird one for me. On one hand, of course, hate discrimination. On the other hand, it’s people renting out their personal homes. If I don’t want to rent to you based on whatever, even if it’s a shitty awful reason, then I’m not going to.

I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.

Maybe he just doesn’t need to eat snacks, then. It’s not like these are strong flavours people find offensive, so he may simply not be hungry enough to mindlessly eat something he doesn’t find particularly enticing.

So, basically, they are attempting to blackmail the family into silence with the threat of releasing her name. I mean, that’s what it sounds like to me. Correct me if that’s wrong.

The article seems to use hyperandrogenic and hypoandrogenic interchangeably.

She wasn’t a child bride. She was little girl who was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. Not a bride. Rape victim.

But do you have to lay your chopsticks on your plate parallel to you when you’re full? Asking for a friend.

“I like states that don’t get flooded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”

I agree. Also, this type of shaming is coming from a bad angle that just renders the whole thing embarrassing.

I’m a little surprised to be feeling so much “Nope” over this.

What if the massive genetic edge was that they were 5 inches taller?