
It sounds like you might have a drug-induced cognitive communication disorder. I don’t know what the prognosis is in your case, but you should talk to a psychologist and a speech language pathologist; speech and communication therapy might help. The brain is pretty amazing, but it needs help to re-wire damaged

Just here to say that the Weeknd’s hair looks like a star-nosed mole

D, I won’t do drugs, A won’t have an attitude, R I will respect myself, E I will educate me nooooow.

I guess I can see the argument for keeping students out if they didn’t think they could maintain security, but I see no reason for not allowing journalists or a small audience they *could* maintain security for in. I hope Duke’s campaign has to pay the extra security fees.

How does looking like an irrational coward who shot someone because they were bigger than you make you look more sympathetic? I feel like, for anyone who isn’t a paternalistic dipwad who sees a beloved but irresponsible younger female relative in her, that would make what she did worse.

Something that people don’t seem to be mentioning is that the helicopter recording people could see/hear nothing other than that he was a large black man moving away from the cops, and decided he was a “bad dude” who needed to be tasered..... What part of being a big black guy makes you need to be tasered? Like, the

I am 100% on board with her being indicted; the wording in the official statement gives me pause: “ becoming emotionally involved to the point that she over reacted”....... That’s a really weird way to describe a cop shooting someone. I don’t know whether it’s because they’re trying to set her up for a pity-pardon

The Knights of Pythias are bringing it back. #nooneexpectstheknightsofpythias

There are other sartorial features I like that have less to do with aesthetics and more to do with social and fashion opinions, where your point is more relevant, but I don’t consider them to be necessarily aesthetically driven. I’m also sure that many people include those types of assumptions in their consideration

Beetbrethron, when I want something aesthetically pleasing I want the lines to be sewn evenly and well and to line up with the salient bits of my anatomy, the color to be one I like, and the patterns to be well placed and chosen, and not unintentionally vertigo-inducing. Like, I don’t care if something makes me look

See, what I think “flattering” means is clothing that fits well and where the color/lines/drape look aesthetically pleasing on my body shape and with my complexion, which has very little to do with how “slimming” or “minimizing” or “lengthening” it is. Those sorts of things may be important for CEOs or salespeople,

I don’t know why *nobody* does, but it would require an impractical number of variations in bust-underbust-yoke-etc. measurements that aren’t really practical for off-the rack shirts, from a merchandiser’s point of view. So the shirts that manage it are huge, voluminous monstrosities with a dropped yoke and shoulders,

The real answer is custom-tailored shirts, but if you don’t regularly travel to places with cheap tailoring, those are $$$.

I also think that a lot of the complaints came from bookings that were not for sharing the owner’s primary living space (i.e., they were for a separate apartment or house).

Semenya’s time is within a second of the other two female medalists; the men’s 800m winning times are about 10s faster. She’s fast, but not curve-wreckingly fast. If she and Dutee Chand were running as fast as comparable people on the men’s side, then maybe testosterone levels should be the dividing line rather than

so not New York then. #sandy

Between being drunk and not understanding Portuguese, I can totally see how that could be interpreted as a police mugging, actually

plus, this seems like HUGE overkill for a false report charge for people who aren’t pressing charges against the muggers. And if, say, the authorities are doing this because they’re embarrassed by an alleged mugging happening, this circus is counterproductive; they just put it on blast.