I honestly think he seems fun and is super hot (in a dirty, small-time drug dealer kind of way) and allegedly has a heavy ass dick. I just got divorced. I wish he’d be mine.
I honestly think he seems fun and is super hot (in a dirty, small-time drug dealer kind of way) and allegedly has a heavy ass dick. I just got divorced. I wish he’d be mine.
Evidently a few people. It’s like you didn’t see the post you responded to? And If you’ve paid any attention at all to Britney’s Instagram posts, she calls this same shit out all the time.
*standing ovation*
I’ve never seen this! Woah!
Thank you! I was just having this debate about the header they used in the last post about this new book beef. It’s so disheartening to see a glossier version of the 2007 style photos being used. Especially when she’s been trying so hard to dispel the notion her handlers pushed for years of her being this lunatic.
So you bring up an interesting point about her looking like that for years. Under whose extreme control?
I mean she posts a lot of photos of her just hanging out at home. She’s a superstar but she also just is a real person posting photos of herself hanging at the house. And frankly they’re better than this. Looks like she posted several even two days ago. This seems like an intentionally unfortunate snap. And I know the…
Of ALL the Britney pictures to use.... why?
Seems like pennies on the driveway to me!
Is this meant to be funny? Because funny, it is not. Tone deaf and puerile.
Yeah the whole thing is played to a sense of urgency that never existed except MAYBE for the “we don’t know when or where it’ll go next”, but they spend like 3 episodes kind of doing nothing anyway, going so far as for Captain Burnham to tell the crew to get some R&R, so...
The thing on the back of his neck is from the Emerald Chain right? Those are the things Book and co had stuck on them when they were imprisoned last season?
That or just pluck Stamets off the Discovery to do the experiment with Tarka on a planet in a lab with virtually no danger to anyone else or threats to the ships very vital mission. I LOVED this episode. I really think it’s the best of the season so far and maybe of Discovery yet but this frustrated me to no end.
I didn’t know this because I never needed to, I’ve always just hated her because she’s terrible. So this tracks! Thanks for letting us know!
Thank you!
She literally has a transition team of people she chose with the help of her new attorney that was signed off by the court. Let this woman use her voice however she wants now that she’s got it back, even if it’s to yell angrily at the past.
*chef’s kiss*
What it sounds like is that you’re a pious snob with no empathy and even less ethical morality. You’re making up nothing but your own grand assumptions to justify to frankly ghastly positions on this woman. Since we’re making conjectures here, let me assert mine. You sound like a monster and a real world-class…
Oh fuck you right to the burning fires of hell. Also way to completely write off a woman’s justified anger and resentment as “she’s crazy.” I would say your off the cuff armchair psychoanalysis in which you deem her worthy of an extreme and oppressive captive institution makes it sound like you exercise pretty poor…
Alternatively, it could be equally possible that the pokeball design was taken from the Voltorb, maybe?