I have seen virtually nobody else bring this up and I seriously thought it was the funniest goddamn thing ever. Thank you for mentioning this!
I have seen virtually nobody else bring this up and I seriously thought it was the funniest goddamn thing ever. Thank you for mentioning this!
No mention of Mariko’s “actually YOU’RE disrespectful and this is who the fuck I am thank you very much” speech to Ishido?! It was SO good!
The catsuit it just a re-used outfit from the London levels of TR3!
The one time it would have been very useful for a slideshow and instead we get a list.
Oh I do. But not because I give two shits about the story. He’s just nice to look at.
It is also that! That is definitely the more formal and more correct usage of it. But it definitely has a second usage more colloquially in the sense being used above. My first time really ever encountering it was actually over on the Tomb Raider Forums (which I’ve belonged to for like 20 years because I’m an old nerd…
“Torture porn” and phrases similar are just meant to denote gratuitous violence/gore/etc. As if that is a thrilling thing people actually want to see.
In the classic games, Lara has a whole room in her manor dedicated to all the pilfered artifacts she’s picked up across her adventures.
I’m a gay man and I use it often within private setting with my other gay friends but would never use it out in the open. It’s just too sticky a term for some.
I always loved it and thought it was fun to say. But I’m also the type who when called an f-slur in high school or something was like ‘omg thank you for…
Been asking this for years. The photos are old as shit too.
This is a refreshing reply to read. Observant, concerned, thoughtful. A rarity.
Perhaps I’m just getting old but… who? And she’s artist of the YEAR? It’s entirely possible I could have never heard of someone who won such an award but… not likely.
Before Lost, even, Abrams was flexing his mystery box bullshit over an otherwise fantastic show: ALIAS. His need to shoehorn and then eventually consume the series with this shit has been around forever.
That’s a real insult to buttholes
The first part of the season can be pretty rough but the back half of the season is superb. Stick with it!
Wow. You don’t often hear Alvin, Texas in the news. That’s my birth hometown (thankfully I’m tucked away in Sweden these days lol). But this tracks. Jesus fucking Christ.
Sleepy word mixup on my part. But the question still stands!
Isn’t the area behind a comet positively filled with the debris that comes off of it? Seems like it would make quick work of that shield.
Lol all Øvredal means is “upper valley”, just to spoil the fun. 😁