And I think he’s kind of the perfect nerdy bitchy queen. I know we talk a lot theee days about ~*rEpReSeNtAtIoN*~ but I feel like I have known gays like him. 😹
And I think he’s kind of the perfect nerdy bitchy queen. I know we talk a lot theee days about ~*rEpReSeNtAtIoN*~ but I feel like I have known gays like him. 😹
He follows a strong tradition of starfleet scientists with a quirky and acerbic personality. And remember, he and his research were conscripted by Starfleet during the war with the Klingons so I get his not fitting in with most officers. He was very begrudgingly there on Disco at the beginning.
This is the most perfect summary of the show and my thoughts exactly. It’s all there, they just don’t know how and when to put the pieces together a lot of the time.
As another gay person, can I just interject here and say you do not speak for the community and your views about Stamets are very much clear and valid for you, it is possible that it doesn’t represent gay people at large. Thanks.
I say this all the time, both written and verbally.
Oh man wasn’t this just the *most* fucked up thing you’d ever read. I was just aghast.
Tell me this wouldn’t probably be good in a Bloody Mary though. I feel like it really would. (I hate myself for the things I’ve just said, by the way.)
Well I’m delighted to hear it’s not going over well with the straights either! That would be my exact reaction as well. You wanna be funny? You can do it on the streets for all I care. Not bringing that chaos and abuse into my house and life.
Who are these people...
This open and flagrant hate for James Corden has really gotten out of hand to the point where it’s a bad look for those involved. This is like the Anne Hathaway shit all over again. How is this not tantamount to online bullying?
Is this actually molded on him or just some dildo with his tattoos on it?
Really? Because this comment makes you sound like exactly that kind of person. Not least of all because nobody asked.
It made perfect sense to me in the context of the rest of the article. Or did you just need to be right about something today?
I believe that would give it mass to start falling inward even faster?
Well, I’d happily accept a hate crime for that kind of paycheck.
I believe he’s bisexual?
New Siri games? I just want the idiot thing to turn off the timer without saying it’ll play the music louder.
15% is hardly a “big” sale. And if I’m spending $200 on sheets, I’d hardly care about the trivial fifteen percent lol.
15% is hardly a “big” sale. And if I’m spending $200 on sheets, I’d hardly care about the trivial fifteen percent…
That you got through this article and still came to this conclusion says way more about how insufferable you are.
Korvis. More equitable and sounds much worse.