Fiddly Dee

As a gay man, I’m not here to ponder new phrases to make straights comfortable with something this fucking absurd. If you think getting it in the ass is gay but you don’t like men but do like getting in the ass... maybe you should just grow up and beyond your hangups? This is beyond stupid. 

Screaming. 😂

Pedantic but... the heat death of the universe by its very nature is the exact opposite of cataclysmic.

I was right there with you until “grandma.” Every grandma I know of is a Trump-hack. I know #notallgrandmas but most. Now if that’s not dangling the carrot...

The best gift my father ever bestowed upon me, himself, and everyone else was when he died. 

You made it to 10 before, not just having one, but even wanting one? I’ve begun having Glenlivet in my coffee around 5:30. 

Was it performed by an AR-15? Then I’m going to say he didn’t. 


Also lazy and uninteresting? These reviews. 

That would explain all the fucking reruns I’ve been dating. 

“Emotional terrorism” has now entered my lexicon with all the brutality of... well... emotional terrorism. 

To you, maybe! 

You are remiss to omit a mention for Marco. He wasn’t just the first gay person I ever saw on TV, he was the only gay adolescent I’d see on tv for YEARS. I’ve always been very confident and self assured in myself and my homosexuality but seeing him populated my mind with another like-me person and suddenly I didn’t

I know who is NOT coming up for a promotion! Also, dang Canada. You really lean in to some sunny-ass optimism. He killed his wife with a hammer and you were like “oh I’m sure he’s fine now let’s dangle him in front of a bunch of hookers and rest assured he won’t stress murder anyone.”

That’s certainly an interesting way to force the gender binary on all of us. Can we please get follow up from the siblings that identify differently about all this now? This doesn’t deserve praise. You don’t get more points because you have a kid that is a different gender/sex. Also, I’d just like to say that his

They think their every word is gold. Too stupid of course to realize that gold is only valuable if it’s an elevating element and not every syllable that is made audible. 

At least he tries hard and actually succeeds at something?

At her count, probably most efficient just to go with a taped and produced format. 😂

Drowning IN fashion. 

Also, who are the assholes getting married in their apple watches in the header?