Texas has plenty to be sorry to the rest of the country about before we get to Beto.
Texas has plenty to be sorry to the rest of the country about before we get to Beto.
SCREAMING (equal parts because LOL and another equal part because SCARY)
My thoughts exactly. And even if I had some choice words in my head, If I’m a freshman I’m not coming in and being like “ugh the speaker suuuuuuuuucks, amirite?” Like. That just isn’t helpful to me or to anyone. Picking your battles is also a pillar of good leadership.
Easily better than Iowa any other time tbh...
Only $22,000? A steal!
Or that in this case, Felicity Huffman is, in fact, a very desperate housewife?
Ten more stars.
Does this sort of entitlement come with that dye job? Because they have identical dye jobs.
Ugh, is that phrase over? And I loved that one. I just can’t keep up with the kids anymore.
I can only give you one star, but oh how I wish I could give you so many more.
I wish I could give you ten stars just for “adroitly”.
#imwithher (and also about to piss myself laughing 😂)
Well at least I now know you’re just entirely nuts. If you thought the last episode was worthy of a B and this one was leagues worse... yeah, I mean to each his own but you seem wholly unfit to review television shows. But okay.
In my fever dreams Omar publicly declares to Nancy fucking Pelosi and anyone else trying to tell her what she means or SHOULD mean that she will explain what she means and everyone can just stop. The Dinocrats are acting like Omar is their fucking secretary who said something dumb and embarrassing in a meeting. Omar…
I need to know the exact date and time of this night in Havana for which this garment takes its namesake because I’m feeling suddenly like my Cuban history is rusty.