I really needed this today.
I really needed this today.
I am honored to have been the 100th star to this absolute icon of a reply.
Don’t cop out on it now. There is nowhere in your post that reads that way. This post was petulant and made entirely to satisfy your need to hear yourself sound righteous.
Well, how else are you going to defend freedom from The Browns?
How long before the orange gasbag declares this a conspiracy by the democrats to keep red state voting numbers down? Because that’s where my mind runs to these days. That’s how fucked the country is. And THEN I feel for all those affected. Sigh.
Though I fail to see how being elderly or juvenile makes you a more noteworthy fatality... they’re all still people... at every age.
This gave me chills and possibly an erection.
More like “and no sense.”
And also here’s a thousand articles about how the beef agriculture industry is helping destroy the climate! Bon appetite!
And also here’s a thousand articles about how the beef agriculture industry is helping destroy the climate! Bon…
It’s a really cool dress for say, a cocktail party, or something. But on television? Next to a bunch of bland suits and on a network’s who’s graphics are like 99% American flag themed? No ma’am.
Put it on my gravestone.
It honestly sounds like a serial killer or some urban legend swamp monster.
The same hard ass right winger who thinks abortion is evil and a paramount political crusade is saying on television that she hates when children are used as political props? Why, I can hardly (absolutely fucking) believe it!
Honestly I’d love the footage of me drunk as balls and drooling in myself asleep on a transatlantic.
I love how the conservative mind can see a woman as a good politician or hot but never both. (See: all the wives. Eesh)
Republican politicians slinging shit about the scary “elitists” is just about as cognitive dissonant as you can get without breaking.
“White supremacists are American citizens. The illegal immigrants are people who shouldn’t be here.“
Wasn’t Warren referenced as Pocahontas on his list? That’s a direct Trump quote.
Probably because he can’t see himself from another persons viewpoint. He used to be so hot. Tragedy is the gross sewer monster in a suit he ultimately achieved.