Fiddly Dee

I mean the world has turned to such shit in such an impressively short time that why the fuck not. Sure. I’ll go. Honestly, it seems like the most natural thing in the world to go listen to two married, controversial geriatrics pontificate considering that’s all I ever do anymore with all the olds in love with Trump.

Turns out the head of the company went in a different direction but wished Hillary all the best on whatever her future endeavors may be. Looks like this is it.

I’m not thanking that swine for anything now or ever. Lest we all forget she’s a republican. Woman. 

I hate suburban white women who vote conservatively, sure. 

So, say we take back both houses... can’t we impeach Kavanaugh if he’s put through? 

They’re all probably telling the gospel truth about being in bar fights. Just that the bar is their personal one at home and the person they beat up was their wife or mistress. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Can he truly not see how forcefully telling women how they actually enjoy something that is traumatic and awful is perhaps not the best look for this subject? Oh, and the “do t touch me!” YEAH NO SHIT THATS THE WHOLE IDEA. 

The fucking audacity of this troll-hack to have ever complained about Roger fucking Ailes being a sleaze to her and then leave and come out with this drivel. 

Especially suburban white women. They’ve clearly shown they hate themselves and each other! What better way to stick it to each other than in coming out in droves in 2020 and voting again in solidarity. 

Oh and like he gives a flying iota of a fuck about ANYONE’S goddamn wife or kids. He sure as shit doesn’t care about his wife nor his own kids. I could have rolles the eyes right out of my goddamn skull when I read that.

Can we do an after-work social where we swap recipes and if we’re really feeling wild, maybe just get too drunk to realize killing ourselves might err on the side of dramatic? I’m already there, but I don’t want to go out alone and you seem like my kind of snacking buddy.

Nobody’s husband looks like that sack of shit if they’re sane. 

And here I thought the opening line to the chorus of boyfriend was “if I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go” not “if I was your boyfriend, I’d let myself go”. WOOF.

To try and stick it to that evil southern little elf, actual Big Daddy hates so much, the kids have turned to his most hated vice... pot?

Oh my god. Thank you so much for sharing this. Reading this to the end, I found myself breathless and streaming tears, hand clutched to my mouth. I am so glad that you guys and those kitties could find each other and so much in each other. 

GIRL. A QUICHE BOARD? Now you will all have to get one to contact me because I. Am. DEAD.

Was it this woman? Because both of these stories seem airtight.

But real talk, why is she wearing an outfit (that doesn’t fit) made out of some crusty old basement sofa fabric? This looks VERY JoAnn’s Fabrics.

You are not judged here. ❤️