
I’m a 26yo woman and I gotta say, however rough the last guy’s stuff was, I would out-rough him with the research for my anthropology classes and certainly out-weird him with my, ahem, personal browsing. I’ve also survived multiple emotionally abusive relationships and tend to react to attempts to abuse me now by

Is your bff my ssoulmate?! I don’t believe in soulmates but I ALSO correct errors in graffiti - grammar, spelling, syntax, you name it. I don’t use red though because I don’t want people to be bummed out, I use black and trying to make the change as unobtrusive as possible.

Seriously, they could be an arms dealer and I’d be like, “Yeah, but thank god they got out of that relationship,” XD

Seriously, they could be an arms dealer and I’d be like, “Yeah, but thank god they got out of that relationship,” XD

Give that doorman a medal. A stand-up man trying to curtail the bizarre, abusive impulses of other men. *applauds*

My dad’s family is Italian and therefore extensive, so we do white elephant/Yankee swap, but it’s a $20 cap and it has to be not-landfill-fodder. Examples: ten-foot lightning charging cables; nice fuzzy throw blankets in neutral colors; portable phone backup batteries; lap desks; pocket speakers; snuggies; french

Affleck was in Suicide Squad? Huh, I must have missed that due to the some two hours and ten minutes I spent fuming that I had been ripped off by the casting switch to Discount Tom Hardy. [Although I am ultimately relieved that Genuine Article Tom was spared.]

Yes, but if he uses that AND a condom, it knocks out that nasty 18%-of-couples-over-time issue

Did you not read the part where is says 18% of couples who rely on only condoms long-term get pregnant? Double tap your safety measures, folks - barrier AND hormonal. Good giddy god, I would not have had sex with my boyfriend at all, for the last year and eight months, if we were staring down the barrel of a nearly

I’m not even sure what link I clicked to get here in 2018, but I can say with confidence that that was decidedly more porn than I would ever have expected to read here.

I did all that and more and arguments were still a waking nightmare which provoked anxiety severe enough that I felt like I couldn’t breathe and even thinking I’d upset him brought stress tears to my eyes. Then I realized it’s because he’s emotionally abusive, not because I needed to google more tips.

Ah, where to begin.

Good call, read “Nickel and Dimed” - most cleaning companies just spread contagion from home to home. *gags*

Is your aunt named Jan, because I think we have the same aunt. Does she live in Florida? Is she also a terrible talker, in every sense of the phrase?

I’m a nanny and the dog and the toddler share many of the toys, whichever species they were intended for. Yes, they both chew them. No, it doesn’t bother me. Anymore. Mostly.

I get that vegans have a bad rap, but it’s a bit crummy to throw the rest of them under the bus a bit to distance yourself from them. And it seems quite odd to me you’ve never met another, and don’t want to. Vegans are people, many of them are great, so why not meet some? Swap secrets. Plus, even when I lived in rural

Being fat does have its perks, I body-checked my 6'3" guy friend into a bank of lockers the other day. I am 5'4". :)

Doorman is a good dude

He’s clearly an abusive psycho

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ