Six ravens in a trench coat

The biggest question is why did anyone think that using dinosaurs as a weapon was a good use of money. You have exactly one use where it will be a surprise and then anyone with an automatic weapon is going to rip your million dollar investment to shreds.

Season six had a lot of lows, but one of its lowest points has been the constant bickering and infighting between the supporting cast.

And MOST importantly, a big crossover that’s just a 4 night long game of D&D with the ENTIRE cast playing. Ray is the DM, obviously.

I’m diurnal, too, but my doctor said some antibiotics and lots of cranberry juice should clear it right up.

The animal is fine. It’ll wake up tomorrow and it’ll be like this never happened.

I know you’re being sarcastic, but no. The Dodgers multi year attempt to buy a championship is sad and damaging to the sport, so the fact that they can’t even win one is hilarious. But the fans deserve nothing but suffering for supporting them.

Comments will stroll in a bit later than most, as is customary with LA fans.

Way to rub salt in the wound by making Dodger fans break out their dictionary before even being able to start reading the article.

I was once asked to vouch for a fellow employee. I didn’t feel it should fall on me to decide if someone keeps their job or not. I told the boss “he actually reminds me of you”. When he was fired a few months later the boss was mad that I’d vouched for him. I pointed out that what I said wasn’t intended to be a

No offense to Stan or Bucky — they are both great — but I’m still pulling for Sam picking up the shield. Though I suppose I could wait a movie or two so Bucky gets a chance.

Superman has the same problem that Deadpool originally had in Wolverine: Origins. The actor is right for the part, but no one else involved seems to understand what makes the character work.

It has bugged me when Hot Takers say Infinity War is a lazy cashing in on fan wish fulfillment. If it were that simple then Justice League would be a delight to sit through. Even with ten years of accumulated advantages, Infinity War felt like it was constantly making the most of it.

M’Baku and T’Challa, psyched for battle, side by side, facing uncountable foes. That is serious Friendship Goals.

I just can’t believe that Trump repaid a debt to someone!

Next in the series is Fontzie.

I’m so into Adam Ant, I laced my bones with it.

What? not into Adam Ant?