I give I, Frankenstein bonus points for the simple fact that, in Spanish, the title is Yo, Frankenstein.
I give I, Frankenstein bonus points for the simple fact that, in Spanish, the title is Yo, Frankenstein.
Living in the godless deserts of this vast nation, I’d just like to say:
Oh, wow, I forgot that scene. That was pretty bad ass.
I’m partway through a X-Wing re-read right now. Man, I forgot how much I loved the Wraith Squadron books.
People seem to love dropping anecdotal evidence on me
Seriously. Like the fact that anyone even knows who he is? Basically proves it’s an ego thing and he’s full of shit.
High five to your kid.
No, I completely believe he’s got a journal of every single ball he got.
Few days? Few hours.
Nnnnno. The way I was taught in driver’s ed was that the semi driver is the one who made an illegal maneuver, the Tesla had right of way.
And the driver of the Tesla didn’t volunteer to have the semi driver make an unsafe left turn without a light, so...
I feel like this is incredibly insulting to people with traumatic brain injury, and yet I can’t argue.
Eh, at least the arena in Vegas was built with private funds.
The Prime Minister warned that a departure vote was contrary to England’s interests, too, and yet...
Wales did vote to leave.
I hope it’s better than the aftershow for Game of Thrones. I bailed on that one after a couple episodes- it never seemed to add any additional insight to the episode, their analysis of it seemed awkward and incomplete, and the hosts just weren’t as entertaining or as informed as they seemed to think they were.
Wait, wait, wait.
So here’s my question: why the fuck do these soldiers fight for Ramsay? I mean, Jon’s point- the men won’t fight for Ramsay if he won’t fight for them- might have stuck if he was dealing with an army that cared about honor.