
Yeah we get it, neither do you.

Didn't Trump promise to crush the terryists in a month after becoming president?

Alt-right, a term coined by conservative Paul Gottfried and used primarily by Alt-right themselves. Everyone on the left just calls them racists.

*RELEASE THE IDIOTS! echoes through the canyons of The_Donald subreddit, and the rest of the internet's proverbial glass of water ripples from the distant footfalls*

Always heartwarming to see a man care about sexism just long enough to punch a woman for acting sexist.

Oh look it's that one response about tears you know. How quaint. Now back to the 7 hour/day Starcraft grind with you…

I am relaxed. You're the one scrambling to every critical post desperately defending this guy. Here's the thing, he doesn't have any "power". He's a doofus on social media that bought a ticket to a comic book movie to make the weakest, laziest point about reverse sexism and followed up with weak counter arguments. He

No, here I am commenting on it. You are feeding his ego with your one line cheerleading. By this time tomorrow I won't remember who he is.

Oh look your argument didn't work. So let's all just ignore it.

No he's really just fishing for controversy and attention, and then using the "I'm just trolling feint" pioneered by teenagers.

Is Spider-Man Homecoming going to get a men only screening, or is it just taken for granted that ALL screenings of Spider-Man will probably be men only?

Ahhh the obligatory guy that has no business playing RPGs reviewing the best JRPG in years and making a buffoon of himself. This is right up there with Financial Posts' atrocious Nier Automata review.

Spider-Man: Iron Man Is In This One Guys!

"GRaB 'eM by The PusSy…*spark* *rotates torso, steam jets out of
collar* *clanking sounds*….gRaaaaaaB'B'B'B'B 'eM bY THe
puspuspuspUssszzzzzzz…..*fizz* *spring flies out of head*

I was watching and I was like they can't torture that guy! They 're uptight white suburban latte drinkers! No way this is crazy! And then they started jumping up and down all panicky and it's like, they know! OMG! Our life is nuts! and then the darker guy who I'm not afraid of cuz of his jokes started gagging and I'm

Waiting with bated breath for the modernized 21 Jump Street style Hollywood full length feature film treatment of Fish.

Otherwise known as an egg incubator.

I like the parts where they act appropriately awkward or panicky doing the things they aren't normally accustomed to doing.

*wipes tear* I'll never forget the time he weaponized Christmas greetings into a social weapon, balancing the season of joy and giving with paranoia and spite.

It's just a prank brosifer!