
What's the one where they're tossing brains out the back of a truck to get the zombies to chase them? I'll watch that one.

I want a Psycho prequel when Norman Bates was first getting into taxidermy and just…making a complete shit show of it.

You know this is a Liefeld character when even the photos hide the character's feet.

Whatever you say. Except "sing sing"…stop calling it that. And all the bullshit about his crimes being fake too. I get that his cheerleaders need a place to crash after his twitter got axed. Try Youtube.

Honestly, at this point? It really doesn't even need to be a joke.

Trump thinks you throw acid like the Glee kids threw soft drinks.

Waiting for the tweets about how overrated the vial is.

That image makes me realize, in 40 years, I have never actually seen the palms of Chewbacca's hands. Weird.

Buddy, if you're the kind of guy that uses porn stills as an avatar, you're the one that needs to "get fucked". (A sarcasm detector that hates sarcasm. Fancy that.)

The guy with cleavage he found on google images as an avatar has spoken on the matter of lame displays…

"so ICP would be an improvement, honestly"

He's reached douchebag critical mass, where his dickishness can actually cause his body to collapse in on itself.

Would new Yakov Smirnoff jokes really be that bad?

"This trailer for A Bad Moms Christmas raises the stakes by introducing the bad moms’ own bad moms"

Somewhere the world's worst supervillain watches from the shadows, rubbing his palms together basking in the results of his infernal machinations as Kentucky Fried Chicken is pulled into the fray…

Chip Zien will always be the best Howard the Duck.

They still haven't quite figured out how that "intimidation thing" works either.

Yeah like a women's self defense class. Thems discriminimations. I should be able to join and slap some girls around.

"I paid my class fees for this women's self defense course. I just want to learn how to protect myself." - Stephen Miller.

The guy who started off with a lazy reductive fallacy is offended that someone didn't provide him with the intellectual stimulus he thinks he deserved…pity.