
Well I like it!

Still...could be worse... These are the before and after pictures of a 1980s Alfa Arna

Times have changed, now players rush to deny that they played for the Mets.

Yeah but how often do those better contexts only reach people who already know who he is?

Personally, I’m in favor of anything that makes people remember Emmett Till.

I was hoping they would have fitted a CVCC system. Even though it wouldn’t have fit with the period-correctness; it would have been a cool call back to when Soichiro Honda designed a system for a 1973 Impala to disprove GM’s CEO’s assertion that the system wouldn’t work on larger engines.

Is this what happens when the prison guards run the asylum? 

How can you criticize a guy who is always pulling for his teammates?

Chrysler has been in more laps than a napkin.

Don’t sweat it, man, the housekeeper has been rejecting my advances too.

What about Speak? He identifies as dog, what right do you have to call him anything else?

As a fellow Coloradan (but one who doesn’t care much about hockey), I’m enjoying this immensely.

But then only criminals would commit domestic violence!  Outlawing things doesn’t work! *injects performance enhancing drug*

Right, I know. Whenever I hear of child abuse and domestic violence my immediate thought is how can I protect the career of the abuser.

Outside the denver metro area is red?

Now playing

I prefer Christopher Cross’s later works.

Won’t someone think of the glory holes!?

Talk about dedication to his players, he went out and got CTE to show his solidarity