“If I’m the Warriors, I am giving the ball to Kevin Durant every possessi-”
“If I’m the Warriors, I am giving the ball to Kevin Durant every possessi-”
These GSW fans are learning from Boston fans: always be angry and self-righteous after your team wins.
Sooooo... if they sweep, do we just cancel next year’s season? Because as far as I can tell, the stacking of teams has finally reached the point where the entire season, regular season through the finals, has been rendered moot.
I wanna touch Kyle Korver!
The fuck kind of 28 second shot clock were they using?
What the fuck? Zaza Pachulia was camped out in the paint for almost TEN seconds!!! Blow the fucking whistle ref.
I was expecting to see “what a save!”or “nice one!” spammed on the chat after a play like that.
While I admit a massive bias (because I freaking love Rocket League and suck at MOBAs), I really do think Rocket League is the most watchable esport currently playing. No prior knowledge of heroes or level layouts are necessary, there’s a singular focal point of action, and it’s dead simple to explain.
I’ve played thousands of games of rocket league and honestly never thought of doing that.
He is actually one of the longest tenured players in Reds history. He’s not exactly Scooter Gennett either.
The man said don’t @ him.
Today I learned: Ted Leonsis writes on whiteboards with sharpies. If that ain’t an example of a man with fuck you money, I don’t know what is.
If Ted Leonsis invited me over to talk hockey the first thing I would ask him is why the Capitals logo is set in all lowercase letters.
I lived in Baltimore for years, and have lived in Maryland for 30 of my 44 years. I worked in broadcasting for several years, including doing sports talk radio. I do not know anybody who listens to him, and the last person I knew who listened to “nasty Nestor” regularly had a mental breakdown 15 years ago and I…
Nestor Aparicio is a self-important, self-promoting piece of shit who doesn’t seem to understand why he’s not welcome in the Camden Yards press box.
Fuck everything Cleveland. That is all.
Having worked or studied in Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, California, Arizona, Tokyo and London, the places where I (an Asian dude) and my wife (a Hispanic woman who is not infrequently mistaken for Persian) experienced the most blatant racism was definitely Canada and Western Europe.
Don’t worry, Patrick Redford and Tom Ley are still employed
Love these bang, bang plays, so much drama