That’s idiotic. He has to write two sentences praising diversity because? Such a pussy.
That’s idiotic. He has to write two sentences praising diversity because? Such a pussy.
Knew someone would say that. This site is the best! Literally anything can be made racist. Even bad breath and not liking a hockey player.
But writing “please not again” invited some ridicule. Anyone who uses their senses and past experiences as a predictor KNEW it was a Muslim terrorist. Islam is a great religion. The VAST majority of Muslims are good people. But it’s also safe to say that Islam has a real problem that other religions in the world…
So by your logic, police brutality is just an overhyped “male masculinity” issue because the vast majority of incidents involve male cops.
So you think the common thread that no one wants to address on the left is “male violence?” Ok. So brave. That’s insane. How about that no one is killing on the name of a religion today like those who kill as Muslims in the name of Islam?
Uh yes, again. Did anyone NOT immediately assume it was a Muslim terrorist?
That’s the perfect amount of everything this site loves. Your comment will be liked many times over.
You guys are jealous of barstool. It’s far funnier and absolutely witty, for anyone who is ok with non-PC stuff.
It crosses part lines. Trump is a disgrace and his supporters would vote for him in a second. Maxine Waters is a huge piece of shit and her voters keep voting her back. The sooner we stop voting party lines and demanding good people, the better.
So true! He’s a bad apple in a bunch of good cops, just like Micah Johnson was a bad apple in a bunch of good black people, just like the London bomber was a bad apple in a bunch of good Muslims.
I’d be curious to hear what “extremely black shit” looks and sounds like?
You think it’s worse than saying “cunt” or “dickface”?
Do you know what he did for a living before this? He would, and definitely has, chewed out a white man or two. You gotta think more.
How do you feel about Blacks, Whites, Muslims, Christians, and Jews? I mean “in general.”
This article sucked. You should have gone longer as planned. Instead you resorted to personal insults and relied on J. Edgar (at least twice) to say the FBI is bad. You chose not to include the good work they do or the unbelievable push for diversity they’ve undertaken. You’re a better writer than what you showed…
I’ve worked with classified information. I would be interested to hear someone who has worked with it— DoD or even DOJ—who says Manning was a whistleblower. That’s such utter nonsense. It was a data dump. That’s wholly separate from whether the sentence was disproportionate, which I believe it was. But I’d also…
People on this site are gonna love your comment.
You could also not be a loser and not do coke.
I did go there. I just think sometimes we are, as a society, better off with objectively, demonstrably bad people gone.
Even Hitler? You don’t mean that.