sucks... That guy is too great of a player to go out with a whimper:(
sucks... That guy is too great of a player to go out with a whimper:(
he's got like 20 million other reasons!
totally different!!! He keeps trying to throw it IN UNWILLING receivers... Not TO INELIGABLE ones!
of course you do! You just wish your deadpan comment was interpreted as such... You were looking for a chuckle from the audience but were poorly received, and you got booed out of town... But whatever:)
ok:-) buuut, the portland treehugger Mls flag avatar made you seem like a clueless "portlandia" character...
Could you please translate the phrase, "pardon me, but do you know the way to the disco tech?" Into your language? But in a way you are correct. Americans are too masculine for that abhorrent display. Also, as a former goalkeeper I would have dedicated the remainder of the game to upending each and every one of those…
I only saw the vine, but I just assumed they were talking about the Ravens rather than the city!
why don't Americans respect soccer? I just don't understand...
((brown eye))
I played soccer for twenty years. That said, seriously GET THE FUCK OUT! He is a drunk, he's often injured... But that's mostly because the only way to stop him is to shoot him. For fucks sake, gtfo... I'll see you on screamer.
ha,ha,ha,haaaaaahaaaahaahahaaaahaaahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahHAAAAHAAAHAAAHaHHaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhanahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahaaaaahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahha..... I passed out for a sec, I'm ok now... Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur missing the but fumble.
I was a goalkeeper who loved to shoot... Obviously never got real chances in serious games. I still love to take midfield shots in indoor. In high school I clocked my hardest strike with a radar gun at 70mph, I only got stronger in college and beyond, till 30... It's all downhill from 30! But I wouldn't be surprised…
I'm a chef. Soooo many dumb injuries when I was young! I'm more experienced these days but alas a member of the newest crop of dummies dropped an aerosol can into an industrial fryer! After a few frantic seconds that felt like hours of trying to fish it out with too short tongs (not sure how long it would take to…
16&pregnant more likely...
is it ok to furiously masterbate to that gif at the end?
Dutch rapeburger is a dem
Dutch rapeburger... Or whoever, is a dem.