This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.
This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.
I was just in a debilitating motorcycle accident a few weeks ago (someone cut in front of me really close, I hit the brakes and high-sided), and though my armored jacket and helmet saved my life my back is really messed up so I’m looking at airbag jackets for when I start riding again.
“Haha, I’m a thief, isn’t that so funny guys?”
Jeep Compass, hands down.
This idiot should be required to compensate all passengers for the inconvenience, compensate the airline for fuel and related costs and be put on a “You make bad decisions and can no longer fly” list.
Is there like a Worst Comment of The Day that I can nominate the above for?
Fuck you.
Look. Republicans don’t care about verifiable facts. They don’t. Their base doesn’t believe anything that’s not distributed through Fox news. The electorate will believe literally anything that’s on that network, regardless of veracity.
You live in town, clean up your shit. Pretty simple.
Actually Trump’s America is the idiots who believe that government is totally incompetent and shouldn’t be involved in any services while they drive on solid roads, eat safe foods, get excellent mail service, drink safe water, are protected by strong police and military, breath safe air, benefit from research and…
If only it wasn’t a GM product. I just got done writing GM a letter telling them I’d never buy their products because of their overt support on legislation targeting Tesla’s direct sales model. I’m sticking to that so I can’t by it :(
A far easier approach is to NOT COUNT unbelted fatalities as auto fatalities. Instead create a new “idiot” category for them. Lumping them in with belted occupants unfairly penalizes the auto industry and leads to idiotic things like automatic seat belts.
4 houses? New Corvette for son? Pays tax with coins?
I guess I missed that one, what network was it on? All I saw was an old man with an orange face and a 6th grade vocabulary and an other old man - abet more polished - dressed as a woman. Both were talking out of both sides of their faces at the same time. The “facts” only 30% checked out and I guess wit is subjective,…
Frustrates me how “sure” that the arresting officer was that he caught the “right guy”
No matter how many times it happens, I am still flabbergasted that people could be driven on a suicidal murderous rampage because somebody drew a cartoon of their flying spaghetti monster.