
Check out OR 26 out near Warm Springs, OR. It’s a straight line for miles and miles. It’s 55, but everyone’s doing close to 80.

Should clarify on my first statement. How long does it take to buy a new car and get the best deal possible?

Most people run out to buy a car when their old one suffers a catastrophic event. So how long should they expect to be without a car to secure that ‘best deal possible’ feeling.

Need a multi-tiered warning, Yellow = tell someone about this at your next oil change, Red = turn the car off now before you see your engine rolling down the road in the rear view mirror.

1. I learned that test drives are a good thing. I thought I knew what I wanted until I drove what I thought I wanted. It sucked, if a brand new one felt like the suspension was made from gouda cheese, how would it feel after 10 years of punishment. Car number 3 on my list was a pleasant surprise, thus I moved on to