F.F. Woodycooks

Predator and Die Hard then a bunch of mediocrity.

That's one ugly mother fucker.

That's the word on the street.

Picked up bloodborne for a twin, might start that.

Sheboygan. Maybe its an Illinois thing?

I too grew up in Wisconsin and have never heard it called Kraft Dinner.

Rearmed is the shit and I've heard the gameboy and GBA entries in the series aren't too shabby.

Love the chunky particle effects in Quake.

I finished my first run of Doom earlier this week and followed it up with my first run of Firewatch. Two wonderful uses of the first person perspective. Interesting narrative touches in both.

This should have been single player only - a la wolfenstein - but they farmed out the multi-player. The single player is fantastic - a few great boss fights - but its nothing like dishonored. I say its well worth the price tag depending on what type of shooter you're looking for.

I might have a bright future in the headline business.

It is neither better or worse than the originals and does respect and utilize the source material in a few interesting ways.

The hidden plot to this game is that this is the same DOOMGUY from Doom and Doom II. After saving the world in Doom II he was put on ice and brought out of his captivity to defeat this new invasion of demons. He is the legendary doom slayer.

Money well spent it will be.

For about 30 or so seconds.

There is some really great analysis, reviews, discussion on youtube if you dig for it. LGR, Errant Signal, Satchbag's Goods, Jeremy Parish and Gaming Historian are all excellent.

Here is a fantastic deconstruction and comparison of this doom to previous entries. It shows how the developers really understood what doom is.


At the end of the article he ends up at Chuck Berry.