F.F. Woodycooks

In anticipation of Samus Returns I've been playing Metroid games. Finished Zero Mission about a month ago, just finished up Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow yesterday and am about 3/4 of the way through Super Metroid. ZM & SM I have finished numerous times, but this was my first run through AoS. Pretty great portable

Delicious again, Peter.

The owner of New Balance supported trump or something.

Would this game have been so popular if not for the multiplayer?

One could also ask "when was the last time Halle Berry was good in a movie?"

For many many folks their smartphone is their only computer.

I'm really into the ne Fabriclive mix by Daphni.

After reading the article and many comments - the solution is don't have children.

Every game that Sony has featured during their E3 conferences have been completely funded by them?

How so?

I've been playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Just got to the first boss and its kind of irritating. The rest of the game has been plenty fun though.

Get a 3DS - probably easier to find and both games are available as downloads.

This game is pretty easy to play. It wants you to experience the whole thing. It is a bit samey after a while though. This is also O'Reilly's second game. The first is Mountain on iOS.

I played the demo and didn't get much out of it but from what I've heard it's very much a successor to System Shock 2.

It's a "jump to conclusions" mat.

There is no such thing as an unbiased critique.

God fucking damn it

I didn't care for 4 at first. To much "go here, kill things, loot and craft" not enough "role playing". Then I remembered I can play New Vegas at any time if I really need the heavier RPG elements. Now I can appreciate 4 for what it is - a looty shooty.

In the story I'm just starting to handle the internal issues at the institute after being named successor. As far as level wise I just hit 45.

Got back into Fallout 4 at the expense of leaving BotW hanging.