F.F. Woodycooks

I like Surge.

Not true.

Reindeer Games

That's right

Right, thats why I said Doom WAS my GOTY. Not is my GOTY.

Doom was my GOTY. It's very much the opposite of souls. Although I'm still (very slowly) playing DS1.

I think city is slightly better than asylum.

From the article - "That, and the whole old timey racial slur thing, of course."


I heard that you will be able to share patches with other Switch users. Say you want to play Splatoon 2 locally with a friend and they don't have the latest update - you can send the update to them without wifi.

The Switch does have support for 2TB micro SD cards - which don't exist yet, but I haven't owned a console yet that I haven't had to buy more storage for.

Bioshock 2 is still miles better than the boring cop out that was Bioshock Infinites story and bland, dumbed down gameplay.

I have one and have about 15 games for it not including virtual console stuff.

But this PlayStation goes up to 11.

Wait until the fall. Squeeze all the fun you can out of the WiiU. The switch and WiiU versions of Zelda are practically identical.

From everything I've heard the games are nearly identical. Switch has a slightly higher resolution but I don't think you'll be missing out on anything with the WiiU version.

You think King of New York is shit?! That movie is fantastic.

To Johnny, the halls of Tarkus Brainlab 4 are filled with dark, shadowy figures. A few whispered words, the sting of a needle, and they're gone, gone, gone. No one stays too long in Johnny's world…would YOU?

Read the US Gamer review.
