F.F. Woodycooks

I don't think he's trying to represent six decades.

You seem to know an awful lot about Frank Stallone.

Then the Lord Humungus - who is the ayatollah of rock 'n' rolla - will be the only rock star.

I love that there is no reloading in the game even though I kept trying to for the first few hours I was playing.

The blocking off of areas as the level progresses to keep the player from backtracking is my only major compliant about the game. I'm guessing its to either keep from having load times within a map or to force the player to replay maps to find everything.

Virtua Fighter for the Saturn was considered a lousy port and a rush job at the time. The released a better version of the game later on, but it was kind of pointless as the in every way superior Virtua Fighter 2 had already been released for the system.

What are your top 3? And did you play Wolfenstein The New Order?


The art doesn't always need to be separated from the artist. Sometimes disliking someone's work because they are a piece of shit is a reasonable response.

Gene Shalit?

Hail to the Thief is just a few tracks too long.

I'd like to see Thom Yorke go down a Scott Walker route and explore that darkness like Walker has on "The Electrician" and other songs.

For five years at least.

I paid $1.29 each

Wow that was stupid and drawn out.

I get it.

Revolution Atlantis!

Nintendo has done their own thing at E3 for the past several years. Sometimes it goes well other years not so much (Wii Music?). I think having their entire presence focus on one game could prove fruitful.

And then Nintendo would be Sega and their quality has plummeted since they got out of the hardware game. I don't think anyone wants that.
