F F Woodycook

"we here!
we're engineers!,
we don't know how human interaction works!"

Its also obvious that the quote is reflecting white people's view of minority people's contributions. And guess what, white people back then were even more racist than they are now. Even if you took the white people's opinion at the time at face value, even then people of color are under-represented. But we both

The British army had people of color in it, you bozo.

is the re-launch of Citizen Kane going to end with the words "Jim"?

Baz-L and Jay-Z blasphemed Great Gatsby* and it was (along with the book on rap lyrics Hova put out) was when i realized - even Jay Z has limits to what he's capable of doing.

It was great.

Pattinson was incredible in the two post-twilight roles i saw him in: Lost City of Z and the Rover. It goes a long way to making this movie so great.

So i guess now she DOESNT want to … Embrace the Vampire

here we go *eye roll*
should i ask for your evidence or is that just going to take us down a rabbit whole of conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated claims about the clinton foundation and benghazi?
I guess its fine if you think that about her so long as you think the same about Trump and half of his cabinet. Its

Technically, protocol is that everyone leaving office reverts back to Mrs/MS or Mr. BUT, do you here anyone refer Reagan or Cheney or whoever as "Mr Reagan" or "Mr Cheney" or even Mr Obama,? I don't.
Also, technically anyone elected president/vice-pres or a cabinet position approved by Senate gets the title

This asshole does this to try and chill criticism. You kind of have to defend the constitution and bill of rights, including the first amendment, if you want to be a defender of "America itself".

Only a true asshole refers to her as "Mrs" Clinton. She was a Senator and Secretary of State, scumbag.

This is so dumb - how can it be missing the scene from Temple of Doom after they escape the crashing plane on the life raft?

this dude is supposed to be the guy negotiating on the US's behalf in like 100 different transactions.
He's probably getting fucking bulldozed.

right, except its not contrarian. Fake news.

Deadpool continues to be unfunny. Bummer.

"I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night."

Dont forget Pat Sajak is a extreme, trump supporting conservative.

Oh COME ON GUYS! Can we please give the Trump stuff a rest ?!?!

Considering the amount of awkward cuts in the movie, its impossible to believe there aren't any "deleted scenes".