F F Woodycook

Nice work guys! I couldn't be more proud.

yeah, but don't get me wrong. Nixon was a very bad president by any standard other than today's, May 10th, 2017, standard.

yeah, don't get me wrong. Nixon was a very bad president by any standard other than today, May 10th, 2017's standards.

"…her own virility". Tactful, nice work.

Nixon was, by today's standards, a very good president. At least he led the opening of relationships with mainland China and wasn't an overweight, dilapidated orange moron?

Thank you! Good eye (for dildos anyway :-P)

Can someone give me a cheat sheet for where all the dildos are?

Oh man, the strawman the article header assumes! What a jerk!

Its almost like these assholes with ham-fisted, ineffective and mean-spirited policy positions are also just terrible people too.

true. Or, if you remove sports, women would actually be answering more correct answers than men.
but yeah, i guess its really a matter of how much each comparatively wagers on final jeopardy and the value of the answers they select during normal jeopardy.

Perfect response.

Seems like 1) sports and 2) risk tolerance explains the difference.

wait, what?

Disney was a "racist" the same way (and probably less so) than the USA was racist during his era. Not that its an excuse, but it makes me feel less guilty enjoying old Disney.

Just Ford. The whole Disney was an anti-semite is false. Coincidentally, I just read about this last night (as I was reading about the history of Pinocchio). Felt some relief that you don't have to feel too guilty about enjoying disney stuff (not any more, and probably much less, so than anything else produced

The b-sides is better than the album itself, as is Rosson's side project Dept of Eagles.

Will 2017 be the year we admit "ya know, beyond aesthetics, St. Vincent isnt all that good"?

Jeezus, STFU Lena. Does she realize how badly she hurts her (and the rest of the progressives') cause? And does she realize that she's as responsible for her misguided statements as those from with other political leanings that she demonizes for thoughtlessly saying dumb shit?

Sadly, enough though. This should have been a fucking landslide. and part of the problem is alienating middle americans who simply don't want to feel guilty about NOT being outraged over a tiny group of assholes who didn't like ghostbusters because of women.

There is as close to hard evidence as there can be that Kesha lied about the rape/abuse/assault thing, yet this is what leads off the "celebrities" in crisis segment. The "free Kesha" outrage is exactly what many middle americans were revolting against. "Wait, we have to be upset about this now too? and if we aren't