F F Woodycook

As aware as I am of the plot and much of the more quoted lines/songs (from Curb Your Enthusiasm, etc), I've not actually seen it beginning to end. Apparently i need to soon, if for no other reason than to up my commenting game

Never said liar. Never said it was because she was a women.

That's kind of what seems weird about this to me. Seems non sequitur.

"Can't you see?!
Do you need Lasiks?
Black people are
the REAL racists!"

I'm having a hard time taking the word of a scorned lover at face value guys. And I never thought of Joss Whedon as someone who made his name claiming he was a feminist.

Can't like/up-vote this, for obvious reasons. But lol.

no, she's not. She's mayyyybe worth $2M.

yeah, different, and the difference is largely if not completely based on the "nurture" side of the nature v nurture equation. Ergo, we use social programs like those at Google to deal. We can throw studies at each other all day. You know counter examples exist because you have the internet.

you are trying so hard to maintain what you believe is your superior, reasonable position. As if the rest of us are all just emotionally driven weenies and so have to specifically and at length provide thesis on our positions. But you can just sit back and not have to prove your own position because you think you are

sure - where should we start? That his claim that unconscious bias is demonstrably false? That biological essentialism has also been proven to be unfounded?

I'm very pleased with my self and want to share

over and over again.

it was a joke bro. chill. its the weekend.

it was a joke bro. chill.

right. I genuinely do think you really do have to hear both sides. Not endorse both. Hear both to avoid the echo chamber.

Her true color is "native american appropriation white".


exactly. since when is a company wide email the place to share your (weird) political views? he should be fired just for doing something so dumb. that it was a bullshit "pseudo-scientific" argument is icing on the cake

why don't you go ahead and share your political views in a company-wide memo then?

no, people actually also pointed out how his "statistics-based argument" is bullshit and unfounded.