F F Woodycook

Likelihood they are going to combine Lady Stoneheart story line into Sansa's for the TV show?

Ummm what about WALK HARD?! my entry for best parody ever

I thought Breuer was fired because he wasn't funny and kind of generally sucks.

Really, the "worst" kind of grandstanding? I guess you don't get out much.

Vietnam's communism was based mostly on nationalism and breaking apart the imperialist economic structure. Seems to me a little different than the USSR / or China models. Plus i think there is more cultural, than "religious" connotations to the Buddhism, etc in Vietnam (and most places Buddhism is practiced) and

It's Jack Black taking off his Kung-Fu Panda costume, distressing Kim Bassinger.

Is the pic one of Jack Black explaining to a distressed Kim Bassinger that Kung-Fu Panda isn't a real character but instead is just a cartoon voiced by him?

Gotta say (months late) that the characterization of the friendship as vaguely homosexual is pretty juvenile. There'd obviously be nothing wrong with a gay, or otherwise non-hetero element to the relationship. But your characterization furthers a stupid gender role that two mal friends cannot be emotionally intimate



So I just saw these guys last night. Really great show.

Do you have a link? I'm really curious about all the people who'd done stints on WEU.

Pretty sure Cecily Strong's absence at Weekend Update reunion is because she was on it for, what 4 episodes, and wasn't very good.

Right, because we have to see both camps as being smug.

can't leave the house for the same reason.

Very late to the party, but I actually really enjoyed this movie for what it was.

Whoa there, pal. First of all, everything but Freaks and Geeks is a nostalgic look back. you are aggressively mistaking my point.

No. I remember seeing you there and you were always sad.

oh boy. i just realized I've accomplished basically nothing in the 19yrs that I set out to accomplish when i was 16. This is alarming. Ol' FF needs to get his sh*t together.

Genuinely curious too. Because I'm uneasy with it and I'm not sure exactly why other than sometimes it feels….i dunno, bloodless?