F F Woodycook

nah. it'd be a whole thing.

I think you are misunderstanding the intent of the Hunger Games.

"Nazi war hero" seems like an oxymoron.

I wish reviews of Kirk Cameron movies were a little more informative about the unintentional humor, and a little less a journalistic critical review. I mean, c'mon. Its the AVClub. Does anyone here intend to watch this movie, if watched at all, for any reason other than to laugh?

nice. I wonder though how worthwhile it is for anyone but Fugazi completists?

I haven't heard it yet though, so my dignity and modest expectations remain in tact. on the list of things to do later.

nice. thanks for reminding me of this. when i first heard about it i was hoping this is like chocolate and peanut butter — two of my favorite things uniting in glory. but worried it might somehow end up like sex and laughter — two of my favorite things coming together to humiliate me.

"Loneliness is the scariest thing a person can experience"?
So John is the living the most scary life of all?

And you know she means business because she capitalized all of the right WORDS.

Agreed. I think of that era really as the golden age. Maybe its just timing but, what a strong and well balanced cast from the Carvey, Hooks, Lovitz, Hartmann, Miller, etc cast, and even transitioning to Myers, then to the early Sandler/Farley era.

What about Blur's "No Distance Left to Run"? Maybe that's the opposite of what this article is about.

If Method Man is Jon Snow, does that make Fred Durst = Mance Rayder?

Can someone pleeeeease make a good Escobar movie? The guy and the history around it are so f*cking fascinating.

(I think i keep double posting but…)
OK, *most* Vietnamese were very poor. Those with wealth had their wealth tied up with foreign interests. The major assets in Vietnam were not owned by Vietnamese.

OK, *most* Vietnamese were very poor. Those with wealth had their wealth tied up with foreign interests. The major assets in Vietnam were not owned by Vietnamese.

(I may be entering this twice, but disqus is wonky on my computer)

Absolutely. Deaths of anyone, and certainly ppl being proud of killing people that one may have a connection with is totally understandable and normal and right. To be clear, that wasn't what bothered/embarrassed me but rather the sentiment I heard expressed by others present that the Vietnamese were tasteless in

We don't. But its a lot easier to excuse extremely poor people who've been screwed over for decades/centuries for being a bit moody than it is to forgive some fat, SUV driver who is upset with you for not making his/her life any easier than it already is.

Well we sure did try really hard during those 10yrs.

Right. "Communist" was basically a euphemism for "people who don't like being occupied by us or our allies".