
No, I never have! I just randomly decided to say something about it so I looked smart!

I’m a Marvel fangirl and a DC hater, frankly. All of DC is dark and broody, especially lately, and Marvel brings the snark. That being said, I’m dying to see this film. The previews look amazing. Let’s hope!

Fuck that. This movie is gonna be A-FUCKING-MAZING.

Not at io9 they can’t!! Maybe Jezebel will be different?

Can everyone control their impulses to collectively shit on this film until it’s actually been released?

Dear goodness, I accidentally wrote a book. I’m sorry to all who choose to read it, but here it is below:

If that’s how you define someone’s sexuality, you need to expand your reading list and social circle.

Do these same researchers look into why some heterosexual men are feet/boob/legs/ass men? Or why some prefer this position over that with female partners? If it sounds ridiculous to research why the heterosexual population behaves in such a way, it is equally ridiculous to limit your studies to such “why” research

But it’s perfectly fine if it’s that bitch Clinton and her emails 10 days before the election ...right?

Because fraud. He’s not Robin Hood, he’s a scavenger who thought he’d outsmarted the system.

A judge has the ability to interpret the ‘Spirt’ of the buy back. Also a jury would find him negligent, because no safety equipment is not an operable car. He should get fucked over for this. He was an asshole and now has to pay up.

If Swinton came in demanding Cho enlighten her I would 100% agree with your comment; I think burnout from being required to be a cultural ambassador is a very real phenomena that POC experience. But Swinton literally opened with the line: “Tell me to fuck off if you feel like it.” Did their conversation go 100%

I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.

That person’s reasoning is nonsense. The director made a judgment call. The goal was to be diverse and avoid outdated stereotypes that are offensive today. So they had one character Asian, another black, and another made from male to female and of Celtic origin.

She has connections to a different culture, whatever. The point is Swinton made an honest and well-intentioned attempt to understand this issue and was not rude or offensive about it at all. And Cho shat on her publicly for no good reason.

Can I reply to this sentiment because I am honestly curious about this.

an erect penis, for long periods of time, on its own, is ugly

male genitals always look wrong when erect

The dick in the Enhanced Vanilla Bodies looks good.

#whocares #silverlivesdontmatter