I’d feel sorry for them not getting to keep it all, except they shot that video vertically. And that’s unforgivable!
I’d feel sorry for them not getting to keep it all, except they shot that video vertically. And that’s unforgivable!
Wow who let you out of the greys, almost everything you wrote is wrong.
Wamp-wamp. Almost everything you wrote above is incorrect. Well done.
Actually, the reason Norovirus is so contagious is because you shed the virus for up to two weeks after your symptoms stop. Most people don't realize they are still contagious for so long. The length of time someone with Ebola is infectious is much more publically known, and so far people here who have been cured are…
Japan is the most technologically advanced country.
He's not a military vet. He was amputated below the knees as a baby because he was born without fibulas.
Can they seriously STOPPPP making him the bigger victim here? It's been ALL about him for the past 18 months. All we've heard during this trial is how much HE has been suffering. Fuck that already, what about HER? She was a perfectly happy and healthy woman until she met him. He caused all of this. Her parents have…
I honestly would applaud your boyfriend if he left you. You seem like a horrible, shitty human being.
You are correct, I did not need to read this thread to understand that blaming this young man for his parent's reaction was (let's err on the side of kindness) asinine and mean-spirited at best.
I shot a hand gun once, and then set it down and told them I would never do that again, unless I needed to kill someone. What a terrible experience that was, I fucking hated it.
Well I think that America is too far gone so you should just make the best of it, and safety classes would at least help cut down on the thousands of accidental shootings that happen every year.
The only thing that'll stop a bad 9-year-old with a gun is a good 9-year-old with a gun.
$200 cat tower? HA! Behold, the $700 hardwood monstrosity my feline masters call home.
Catios sound lovely, were it not for the small army of mosquitos in my backyard and the fact that my Leia has pretty much no immune system to speak of. I'll be happy with all 7ft of my ugly ass tree and my permanently indoor Abys.
Yes, especially since it's obvious that he tries while she's doing things. That makes me so angry. Whatever she's doing can wait, he wants to have sex like now! He probably starts bothering her in the middle of something she's doing, then pouts when she says she's busy right that minute, then the pouting puts her even…
Not only has the "study" that you are presumably basing your opinion been thoroughly debunked, but other studies have shown that cats are actually beneficial to wild bird populations. Since domestic cats are more likely to eat rodents than birds, they suppress populations of wild rats that like to eat bird eggs.
Ok so this guy is obvs a complete boil that needed to be and, thankfully, was lanced.
I agree that Matt is being pretty cavalier about throwing the word "discriminatory" around in this instance. Your comparison to the 12-month ban following a trip to India seems like a pretty good comparison.
While what you are saying is true, it also misses the mark, because correlation is not causation. Being a gay man does not cause you to get AIDS, therefore should not be used as the discriminating factor. Having risky sex is the problem and yes the incidence of risky sex is higher among the gay male population its the…
In the interest of full disclosure: homosexual male here.
1) Unprotected anal sex is far more dangerous than unprotected vaginal sex.
But we don't put restrictions on women who've had a dick in their ass. Do you know why? The answer may surprise you!