
The only way you would put all of this together is if you had read the book. The idea that someone could realize all of this by simply having a keen eye is a bit disingenuous. These weren't really clues so much as things they had to put in because it will all be referenced later on when everything is revealed. It's a

"A blood moon is supernatural ominous spooky thing, say religious people."

1st question:: WTF is going on in this beautiful /chilling show?? (And who the Fuck would want to live below a dam) and I love how the youth are both mature and typical teens.

No. I'm hearing and speaking impaired. I've been involved in the community for most of my life. These people are assholes for complaining.

"...this case could be a good opportunity to make sure that everyone working in a capacity that requires them to be a mandated reporter is trained well and knows the rules of reporting. While Schwab says that the staff never saw anything that could be reported, it's hard to believe that such abuse could have gone on

Now playing

Why would you change the music from the original? The choreography fits it so much better! Not that I'd be adverse to someone actually dancing to "pony"* but lets not pretend that Tom Jones isn't bringing the right energy here.

Have you ever mentioned your significant other to anyone at work? Mentioned going on a date? Told a story about an old ex?

Straight people come out all the time, but no one realizes that's what they're doing.

you need to develop some empathy. gay people face so much discrimination and fear about coming out. you're very ignorant

British and English are not synonymous. Everyone from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and, in Mr Bale's case Wales are British citizens. As is anyone from a British overseas territory like Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands. Just because Texans are American does not mean Californians are not.

"You know your post is paedophilia by proxy don't you?"

I have to take issue with the sentence "and the Nazis being the horrible monsters of history that they are".

Funny that it's usually English speakers who claim English is so difficult. I've been teaching English as a foreign language for years and I firmly believe that one of the key reasons why English took on as the global lingua franca is in fact because it's one of the easiest languages to learn, at least to basic

You list it first, so perhaps you should think before you construct your epic arguments. And why are you talking about desktops now. Good god you just ramble. Apple computers are a premium brand because they come in fancy packaging, are enclosed in great looking cases/bodies, and they run a great OS because there is a