
The basic laws of physics always wins against fake videos like this and that flying man crap.

No it didn't have any runny stuff in it lol it was fried I think. Can't remember, I was 8/9 back then.

I've eating sheep tongue, brain and eyes (you're not supposed to eat the black bits though) and they are delicious. Also Ox testicles. But eating something that's been soaked in human waste, ew and not right.

His ignorance.

"We will remain committed to the long-term failure of the F-35 program" - there I fixed it, you're welcome.

"game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey" doesn't necessarily mean new/different ending. And I hope they don't change the ending, just give us answers and closure like they seem to promise us. Then again, I always knew they

The funny this is no matter if BioWare intended it or not, the anti-ending mob have already done their work for them. BioWare will create it as their promised DLC and come out and say they intended it from the beginning anyway and everyone will rejoice.

That guy behind the tail should go and buy a lotto ticket asap. He could have easily been turned in minced meat.

Yes it's a very mountainous country with seasonal temps ranging from -22 to 122. Even the capital Kabul is 5,900 ft above sea level and the tallest mountain is 24,500 ft.

When you finish the game, you get popped back onto the Normandy before the Cerberus base assault mission.

I'd have to agree, especially when you see his legs go from vertical to horizontal during take off as if they weighted as much as feathers.

The ultimate cost of war. It's never about which side wins and which side loses, but the aftermath of the poor and innocent civilians that will bare the loss to their loved ones and country as they pick up the pieces after the dust settles. The soldiers that are dropped into an unjust war like dispensable pawns will

Do what I did and recreate your original face (with some additional butox shots and tweaks) from ME2 using screenshots as reference. Took me an hour but it'll be quicker than waiting for BioEA to push out a patch.

Exactly what I was thinking and going to say as well!

I don't know where you looked up the method of halal slaughtering, but it's described as "the method of slaughtering animals consisting of a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact. It must be done with respect

Don't worry Jesus, when you leave this life you'll see something even more amazing than this.

"And I thought you were a poop."

Oh that Natilia haha I used to torture her so much inside that elevator and laugh my ass off. Was I the only one I wonder?

I didn't know that aspect of the Shi'a belief. No offence to them but their al-Mahdi sounds awfully like the return of Jesus which the Sunnis, Christians and even Jews believe in (as their messiah). Seriously though, where did they get that story from? Do they have some book that is more divine than the holy Quran?

I believe the bad guy always strikes first. If Israel launches military action against Iran, it will get hell, mark my words. The same applies to Iran if they strike first, that is why everyone need to calm down their shit for having some faith and patience is always better than premature military action that will