
That explains where the Mirage and Typhoon got its design from.

I feel sorry for you for when you die, neither you or me can even imagine the experience that will await you when you reopen your eyes. Whatever it'll be, it'll be truly enlightening.

'Would Iran's leaders consider martyring themselves to destroy Israel?' Highly unlikely as doing so, would also mean sacrificing a lot of their own innocent civilians' lives, not to mention ruining their whole country in the process. The problem is there are a lot of people that think like you and fear like you of the

Wow, you must know more than God himself then.

Whether it's treason or not, whether if he gets released or executed, the fact of the matter is that his final outcome will not make the so called 'classified' info fly back into the black secret box as if they never got released. He can hold his head high for he chose humanity over his own government. I don't know

Yeah you're right, it's just gotten worse in the last few decades.

As a non US citizen, US politics never fails to amaze me. Why does it always have to be about money? It seems like without money, you guys wouldn't have a president or anyone in politics. No wonder the US is f'ed.

Sand, that sweet golden desert sand. They are being converted to storage facilities for sand as we speak. Just like they are the richest oil people now, next they'll become the richest sand people...ever.

Continue to cover your eyes with your hands and convince yourself that the sun does not exist.

And the US is what exactly, a saint? Bias is one thing, and truth is another. So it must be difficult for you to distinguish the two when you're on the side that is also guilty of wrong.

OMG and he's got a beard, so he must have converted to Islam too! Run for your life!

Dude I think you're trying to put all your arguments into the blender and try and mix it up just to confuse me because I don't quite understand your point.

'It posited that since proof of God is impossible' - I could argue that is very subjective. Those centuries ago when the prophets were delivering their messages, they did prove themselves with divine and holy intervention, but obviously it was never enough for some and understandably (for it is only God that

Who the f is Pascal Wager?? lol Anyway, everything I've said comes from my own understanding of my faith and belief, that is all. So perhaps Mr. Wager was trying to do the same.

'Maybe that's what faith is all about, but that's not my thing' - Exactly right as that's what ultimately is faith about. It cannot be taught or learnt, but felt. God does not give us a lot of reason and logic, but only enough to test our faith and obedience. Otherwise if God told us every single thing that was to

'but imagine for 1 second that all religions are fake' - Then I will have nothing to lose, everything goes dark, nothing happens and nothing matters. But if you're wrong, then you'll serve your unimaginable punishment for disbelieving. So when you think about it, you have possibly something to lose, while I have

It doesn't make sense because we are too weak and insignificant to the power and greatness of God to comprehend the ways and workings of God. Without problems and sufferings, there would be no point to our existence. We don't question the origin of God because it was never meant to be a question as it's irrelevant; we

Humans may fear death, but not believers. I certainly don't fear death or anything else for that matter except God. It's one of the tenants of my religion. This is because everyone's time of birth and death has been predetermined to the second and with reasons that are not known to us.

Wow you'RE sad (did I get it right this time?). I guess I now feel what the prophets went through when they tried to convince some people of the truth, yet failed no matter how hard they tried. And then God reassured them to not dwell in sorrow and disappointment for only those that God permits to see the truth shall