
I think lucid dreaming is all about fear, and overcoming it. Like the panther rider above, when you come across something that's dangerous or scary, do the opposite of your fear. If you come to a cliff, jump then you'll be able to fly. Soon enough your subconscious self will realise nothing hurts and you'll become

Because your dream did last for 6 minutes, and the rest of the time you were in the void where nothing happened, hence time stopped because you lost sense of time.

Hence a religious saying that goes along the lines of "What you may think that is good for you, is in fact bad for you, and what you may think that is bad for you, is actually good for you". That's why even the smartest person can make the dumbest decision for we as a humans are fallible.

If it's true, imagine the shock Jobs got when he died. Only to realise that the whole Apple/iPhone thing meant f*** all at the end for what he was about to experience in spirit from that moment on.

Did I just see some recycling of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade action sequences?

The iPhone 4S launch was THAT bad??

'So are you saying that you only believe because you think want to "cover all bases", just in case?'

'The U.S., while we also invaded Afghanistan, is not in any actual danger of an economic collapse.'

'One could argue that Nixon's move started a chain reaction that ultimately ended in the collapse of Moscow's regime and the end of the Cold War.'

'He built up a country only to have it torn down to be worse than when he started it.'

Tegra 2 = NO-NEON

But can it crop the video to full screen? In fact MX can resize the video to any size using multi-touch.

"Christianity is the only one that offers salvation, resurrection, and a one true God."

You think he's having a great time living the life? He's a miserable sod being kept alive with a machine constantly attached to him like the heartless soulless peace of flesh that he is. I doubt him having a peaceful sleep at night, every night without thinking about the injustice he stands for.

"I'm waiting for the NATO 'we pwned you' tweet."

That's funny, we call that 'Jelabi' in Farsi in Afghanistan.

If Nvidia reckons T3 is 5x faster than T2, then T3 will be 2.5x-3x faster than SGSII.

But if you're lucky, you'll be able to severe one of your limbs and sell it to survive without a job.

Unfortunitly no, it's not as easy as speculation because faith is not speculation. Maybe you don't understand the concept of faith. Either way, I look forward to the nonbelievers eating their own words as foretold by God, either at the end of their lives or when the Messiah that the three Abrahamic religions believe

Just when you thought you understood it. Most famous phrase ever indeed. Bottom line is no one understands the secrets of our universe fully, we can only observe and come up with our own interpretations given our limited abilities.