
I see things from a religious point of view, but obviously can't prove it until it occurs.

How about you try and enlighten your ignorance with some reading of how the Taliban came about to be in the first place. I recommend this for your enlightenment: Conflict in Afghanistan: An Encyclopedia (Roots of Modern Conflict) by Ludwig W. Adamec [www.amazon.com]

I can't help but think if the US didn't support corrupt and oppressive regimes of the middle east in the first place, we would all be living in a different and safer world today. It might be naive to say there would be no terrorism because you always have crazies popping up every now and then, but certainly there

Yeah I wasn't born that far back to remember :p Actually the only invader that did win was Genghis Khan, so the Afghans must have learnt from their mistakes.

It's actually expected to reach over $4t [english.aljazeera.net] Yet who suffers? People. Be it everyday americans, afghans or iraqis, etc. But obviously the highest cost of wars are lives, and nothing can replace that.

True true. The good news is that all these world events are actually happening for the good of humankind. But sadly happiness and peace requires some sacrifice on all sides, though there is a happy ending for all.

Who would've thought the US would be engaged in a decade old war with cavemen with no clear outcome. Oh I forgot it happened with the Soviets too.

One must get used to such bad news more and more as the country is slowly taken back by the Taliban. Better for them to run the country than the current corrupt and selfish puppet Afghan government that do nothing for the people than pocket millions of aid money for themselves leaving everyone else poor begging on the

Agreeing or disagreeing doesn't change the fact that the US has lost its super powers without a doubt lol who's going to be next to whimper away into irrelevance in the world of tomorrow?

That's why you'd expect the majority of the votes would come from the other 202 nations comprising this new UN to send out the message of sensibility, no?

You mean democratically chosen like Bush with all the voting machine rigging fiasco (and possibly by even more other illegal means that the general public never know about)? Apparently he lasted the maximum term of his presidency. So how did that work mate?

Hence the phrase 'good prevails over evil'. I never said the US shouldn't be part of UN, I said no nation should hold more powers over any other nation.

Why not? Isn't his country and the Cuban people a sovereign nation? Do Cuban people worth less than Brits? You can't just write off a whole nation purely because of one man or its leader. If he ever voted for an unjust cause or resolution the sensible majority of the other 202 nations would prevail anyway. So why the

Don't worry, the US has pretty much lost the 'super' bit of its power just like the soviets before them :)

Or continue to stick your head in the sand.

I'm amazed at the belief system of orthodox Judaism. From what I've read, it seems closer to the Islamic understanding of things compared to mainstream Judaism. If I was running Palestine, I'd happily invite the orthodox Jews (and non orthodox) to have their state and live side by side in peace as long as they're in

Don't worry in a couple of years, we'll be able to afford US military spec binoculars at a cost of 1/10 of these prices too ;)

Who's to say the relationship with the killer's ex wouldn't have ended had he not tried to double dip with the 'fake' girl? Resulting in him staying alive? Probability would suggest him cheating meant he already had issues with the killer's ex which would have eventually lead to breakdown of relationship. All a case

What's the point when the US can't afford such middle eastern deployments any more?

Maybe he meant a Liger