
Except when you try and read stuff on your tablet in portrait.


Knowing he might return the favour with a stream of "dum dum" bullets from an M-16?

Then why is it that your prez keeps calling it economic Armageddon and reminding people of the dire consequences of not raising the debt ceiling? Sure an economy's health does not depend on just one measure, debt, but none of those countries you've given as examples are the world's biggest economy are they?

The reason why this planking rubbish originated from Australia is because an aussie rules football (AFL) player got knock out unconscious on the field and dropped like a plank of wood facing down. And hence this stupid craze was born.

It's not really about the fear of comprehension of the various aspects of the universe around us, but an acknowledgement of the limitations of our brains. There are things that we still do not fully understand, nor ever will. And those that have bestowed knowledge and given us a platform to build on, e.g. Newton,

True that, time and space amazes me in itself. Especially at how minuscule our little planet is in our little galaxy, and further more in the whole scheme of the universe that we drift in.


To be more accurate, it was actually God that expelled the Israelites from their land and forced them to wonder the Sinai desert for thousands of years as punishment of their crimes and disobedience to God.

Total and utter destruction > race win :)

Ferrari 2, Audi 0.

haha what'ya know, that's my city on gizmodo :)

I don't think so, my bet would be on a Pakistani immigrant. Don't mean to sound racist, but more pakies are proficient in dishonesty and theft than arabs from all the middle eastern countries combined. I know because I've lived in their country for a few years and I know my faces. Kurds are nice people.

As long as our technological creations don't match or surpass us, more specifically the human mind, we'll be all right.

I could not disagree with you more. Who else is the creator and of fact in the first place than the one all mighty? But of course this is coming from a believer which you would most probably disagree with.

You obviously lack any religious knowledge to even discuss the matter.

You obviously lack any religious knowledge to even discuss the matter.