Fez of Love

People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them

It makes me angry as a person and as a lawyer. They (non-lawyers) are using a legal conclusion of a very specific inquiry in a dishonest and disingenuous way to, essentially, confuse and mislead their students, parents, and alumni. I find it very telling that they start the explanation by saying they are going to

“The evidence will show that no MSU official believed that Nasser committed sexual abuse prior to the newspaper reports in the summer of 2016"

“[Steve] Bannon’s political fall reveals a major weakness in his brand of right-wing populism: the overwhelming

That’s the best humblebrag I’ve read in years.

I believe Gobert was playing offense here

Wanted for murder, you say? Catching this man’ll be.../wait for it/...a TALL order. #gobertorgohome

Right Wing Nutters: “America is the greatest country in the world and fuck you if you don’t recognize and celebrate American Exceptionalism!”

I don’t know why Gobert didn’t just block her like he does everybody else who comes at him.

The folks over at Jalopnik could have told you that Suzukis were a non-starter.

“hello the owner of this phone Courtney. I am buying an iPad.”

Doing more than trying, my friend. Why do you think Jack Tripper “masqueraded” as a gay man all those years on that documentary about Mr. Roper, California’s most notorious slumlord?

It sounded silly until you told it was someone from the Federal Housing Administration. They are definitely trying to turn people gay.

The list of things Eric Trump incomprehensibly believes to be true is too long to fully explore here, but yes, I am confident that someone at the FHA wanting to turn him gay through social media suggestions is one of them.

More evolved than some other mammals...