
I'd watch this.

Thank you for giving us the list, for those of us that don't always want to watch a video

you can do that at 90

because animators can't possibly do ANYTHING other than work on FFXV, even in their off time, right?

I guess I just don't use my email enough that I need any of these features.

Mr Jackson was also in a professional sound booth, with time allowed for multiple takes. This was spur of the moment on a live stream.

Game companies used to include an extra disc for multiplayer modes. I don't see why they couldn't include an "install" disc ala GTA V on the 360 to make the 1 disc thing work for the main game disc. Then they could have smaller patches for tweaks and updates.

iPod touch could use a refresh.

I installed, no problems at all. But I can't get the horizontal layout for my app icons

If it were the new model of the 3DS, I'd consider it, as I don't already own one. But if it's not going to be the new model, definitely pass. Why would I want to buy an older version of a system just for a custom packaging on it?

If they had stopped developing it, I could see a price drop. But they haven't. They keep adding more and more to the game and fixing what's there. If all you're waiting on is a price drop, forget it, and just buy the game.

It could solve the problem of broken laptop screens that happen because of being rigid and users are harder on tech than they should be. Could lead to harder to break phone screens as well.

well, there was Rockband on iOS. And TTR has had several sequels.

SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER! This video was uploaded in 2008.. PLEASE take a look at upload dates and share that too when you share a video.

can't bring myself to buy shoes I won't wear, and can't bring myself to pay that much for sneakers I'd wear.

Thank you for showing screenshots from current Second Life, where as most news sites show images of avatars from more than five years ago, and fail to portray that the digital world has indeed grown with current tech and 3d modelling capabilities

With all of the AT&T branding on this and thrown in our faces, they very likely got to play some video games on the big screen, as good PR.

I definitely had high speed internet in 2004. And I STILL download 300mb video files like I did then. Why? I don't need my tv shows in HD. I don't care about them enough for that.

50 or 60 has been the market standard for video game pricing at release since the 80's. Part of it is making sure that everyone gets their cut, the other part is simply tradition, and knowing that they can sell units at that price.

I think the only "sins" that could count here are the one where night and day seemed to flip (likely the result of scene cuts), the windshield repairing itself after being shot, and the calendar in the police station.