
ok fanboys and girls. Han's famous line about parsecs is simple. He was trying to see just how much he could shill out of Luke and Obi Wan for the trip, if they'd call him on it or not.

what a bunch of overspoiled brats.

So professional athletes, the entire music industyr, and hollywood aren't worthwile or productive. Ok. This is another form of entertainment media. The YouTubers are as worthwhile as any of the others I named. I highly doubt you skip all television, movies, sports, and music.

I want to see the Slo Mo Guys do a shoot of this

oh no, game companies NEVER participate in Alternate Reality Games to announce their games ahead of time. No, never. Bungie most certainly didn't do it. Irrational Games most certainly never did it. Nope, never been done for a game before. Does this writer live in a bubble?

Agreed. Also considering that it'd only be truly useful if thousands of app developers went and updated their games to allow for it's use

Ask your doctor, but that's a healthy nail length. Most people cut theirs too short.

Why should Rockstar have to fix this? This is like asking an app developer to make sure that their apps still run on the original iPhone.

Easy enough in theory. But, we could achieve the same goal by mastering cryogenics, too. The person asleep would relatively experience no time lapse, yet been frozen for hundreds of years potentially

While this is certainly true, poor components and parts get poor results, I like that they made it so you can put in a battery pack, either first or third party, of your own choosing. Or say you buy rechargeable batteries and use those. But the point of argument still stands, no matter how good it is, a rechargeable

Consolve vs PC is a dumb argument. However, in multiplayer, on a console, with other console players, at least you know that you're having the same experience. You don't have people with varying graphics cards and other stuff messing up their gameplay.

And adding onto that she doesn't have to be his daughter in another universe.... have you ever watched any old detective movies? This is film noir style, that's all. All females seem seductive painted in that specific light.

She's his daughter in THAT universe.. There are Infinite light houses to visit. She's not his daughter in all of them.

the soda can straw trick isn't a hack or a trick. It's the reason there's a hole in those tabs to begin with.

Considering the flakey residue.. the cheater would be found out after a few rounds hit them

Ok, I don't like Leno either.. but this joke is at least on point. He's talking about football players being criminals. Can we pick a more f'ed up joke to rail on him about? Like, just about anything else in his career?

See, I was okay with digital licenses on the Xbox One once they said the family thing. My only beef was the 24 hour checkin.

It's not a rumor that Silent Hill is based in Centralia. It's been confirmed by Konami developers long ago.

because doctors don't already charge more than that for plaster?

Making this comment about rape and being up in arms over it is being small minded and realistically, giving the FEAR that rapists use more ground. Part of the tragedy of rape is the horror and fear that come from the act, the loss of security and self. Taking a comment like this, which was quite fine in it's context,